Course lectures on dislocations or twins
Metal Plasticity taught by Prof. Irene J. Beyerlein [ppt]
Deformation twinning taught by Prof. Irene J. Beyerlein [pdf]
Atomic Scale Modeling taught by Prof. Tim Rupert [ppt]
Fundamentals of Dislocations taught by Prof. Tim Rupert [ppt]
Formation of Deformation Twins in Metallic Crystals taught by Prof. Subhash Mahajan [ppt-1] [ppt-2]
Accommodation of Deformation Twins in Metals and Alloys taught by Prof. Subhash Mahajan [ppt]
Resources to learn more about twins
Kumar, M.A., Beyerlein, I.J., 2020. Local microstructure and micromechanical stress evolution during deformation twinning in hexagonal polycrystals. Journal of Materials Research 35, 217–241. [PDF]
Beyerlein, I.J., Arul Kumar, M., 2018. The Stochastic Nature of Deformation Twinning: Application to HCP Materials, in: Andreoni, W., Yip, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Materials Modeling : Methods: Theory and Modeling. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1–39. [PDF]
Zhang, D., Jiang, L., Zheng, B., Schoenung, J.M., Mahajan, S., Lavernia, E.J., Beyerlein, I.J., Schoenung, J.M., Lavernia, E.J., 2016. Deformation Twinning (Update), in: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier. [PDF]
Beyerlein, I.J., Zhang, X., Misra, A., 2014. Growth Twins and Deformation Twins in Metals. Annual Review of Materials Research 44, 329–363. [PDF]
Mahajan, S., 2013. Critique of mechanisms of formation of deformation, annealing and growth twins: Face-centered cubic metals and alloys. Scripta Materialia 68, 95–99. [PDF]
Christian, J.W., Mahajan, S., 1995. Deformation twinning. Progress in Materials Science 39, 1–157. [PDF]
Educational symposium
“Materials Discovery in Science and Engineering" (May 11, 2019, hosted at UC Irvine, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth) [More about this program]